Saturday, September 19, 2009

yaaa.. u must be wondering why this girl
is wearing a raincoat, well~~~
weird lor.....
HA! cannot see someone's
''pretty face''...

well.... i must must record this down!!
before that, credits for lingling for the photos...
we are supposed to have a Zoo trip ytd on the 18 Sep, BUT BUT BUT, RANDY could not get hold of the tickets on thursday so Zoo trip was CANCELLED!! ARGGGHHHHHH~~ so ming hui, shawn, Neo & i sat in MJS science room to rack our brains on what to do on friday... after much racking & consideration, we took shawn's idea which is to go ECP have a mini-picnic then here comes the good part, SLACK!! nice planning huh...

reached ECP, first thing is to lay out the ground sheets, secondly pitch tent, thirdly activities starts... starting was a bit boring so what i recalled was quan preparing the kite, frankie, ray, jeff & i were playing with the kite turn by turn..
song wei & ming hui very happily giving out sandwiches to others & i tio a ''rotten'' sandwich..
ahhhhh.. lihua, she was eating, eating & eating........
Neo, quan & hwee siang later played with the two-wheeled board & soon shawn, cat & i started playing frisbee..
not long after, three suckers came & blabbered lots of stuff to us about pitching tent here is illegal & blah blah blah..
ahhh!! who cares we continued with our games & guessed what, first time i went to ECP & it rained cavemen & dinosaurs.....
yaa, carried everything over to the pavilion & waited for the rain to subside..
in the end while jeff & shawn are playing frisbee in the rain, i could not take it anymore so i joined them..
great experience playing frisbee in the rain.. as the rain subsides, Neo came in, then followed by cat, yihui, lihua, ray, hwee siang, ming hui, frankie, quan, song wei & derry..
not bad not bad.. it was fun until the three suckers came back & blah blah blah about the tent again.. @&!%^@$!^@!+

after playing for an hour or so, all of us packed up & walked to justin's house...
waaaaaaaaa.. it was like a paradise after we arrived at justin's house..
some of us went to bathe while some of us went to swim..
after bathing, that group of people went out to packed dinner for those who wanted while ray, quan, derry, justin & i went to bathe...
after bathe, we played around in the toilet doing our hair..
song wei & i looked weird in centre parting..
i wanna see what are their expressions when the people outside the toilet see me with centre parting & a minimini-tail..
it sureeeeee is worth it to see their clueless expressions when i walked up & talked to them..
THANKS justin for always lending us towels & soap when we needed it.. thanks thanks.....

Clive was soooooooo superly hurted by

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