Sunday, April 04, 2010

its been a looooooooong time since we last had our family photo le..

Red specs is cooooool..

hais... looking at these photos, made me remember the day Mr Pox came to me..
i was having Chickenpox but i still went for my grandparent's birthday celebration..
well, that was the last day i had good food while Mr Pox came to accompanied me for two freaking DAMN long weeks~~~
well, that aside, i remembered, we had lots of fun there, daddy singing on the stage & we making fun of him...
YEA!! even my other uncles & aunts joined in the fun too!!
ah gong & ah ma were delighted to see sooooo many people there on that day & i'm oso happy bcos its been awhile since i last saw ah gong smile....

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