Sunday, October 11, 2009




YO people.....
i noe i noe... no updates right.. sorry for the late update my dear readers..
was kinda lazy, cos one shot sooooo many photos to upload, well i'm gonna upload the photos of the Zoo's trip for those who did not come, especially minghui, yihui & songwei bcos they have work, work, school...
yea!! from the photos, u can see how much fun 7, 18year old boys & 1, 17year old boy had...
well, enjoyed sooo much fun till i fell down due to slippery floor, shawn escaping from a cargo from Australia & jeffrey got all monkey-up...
walk, walk & more walk, lots of photos of animals taken along the way too..
if u wanna see then click on this

went fishing with shawn, Neo, justin, jie shun, lingling & lihua came later to join us..
ahhhhhhh.. both Neo & i did not take our watches off while fishes result, UNEVEN TANNED...
shooot man!!

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