Thursday, July 02, 2009

got nth better to do now, so might as well blog about what happened ytd..
bcos of some technical problem, blogger dun allow me to upload photos ytd night, BUT its okay..

did not go school bcos lecturers got LOA which means they are quarantine at home for a week for visiting H1N1 countries..
Ah neo dropped by my house bcos he went to work for godmother, while doing his flyers job he suddenly got tummy upset that is why he dropped by my house to use my toilet..
after giving his flyers, he came to my house again to wait for me to prepare then we head over to his house..
had a drink at Ah neo's house & it tasted aweful!!
after Ah neo shower we 72ed to tampines mall to meet yihui...
initial plan to Ah neo & i wanna go tamasek wait for shawn, zhengyee they all BUT they got some programme after lessons so cannot meet up with them..
yup! so met up with yihui at tampines mall then actually wanna watch Transformers but tickets were selling fast so decided not to watch le..
instead, we went to shop shop around then i brought Ah neo & yihui to SWEENSEN's to eat..
yup! yup! treated them there... haha~~
too bad for shawn, zhengyee, quan, lingling, priscilla & lihua.....
i hope zhengyee wun get jealous if he were to read this post.. heehee.
Ah neo first time eat this kinda of ice-cream & yihui like first time come....
chatted over our dinner sia...
one bad thing was that air-con too cold le...
after dinner, three of us 23ed to near little indian station then yihui 131ed home while Ah noe & i 147ed home...

Baked Rice & Fries...
From left to right:
Macadamia Mania, Ring-A-Ding, A-Ling & Cookie Summit...

this clearly shows that ppl choose ice-cream according to how they look... LOLx..
shortest glass: yihui
middle glass: Ah noe
tallest glass: ME

yihui taking photo of green cups.....

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