Sunday, July 12, 2009

recap for yesterday........
-Saturday 11July2009-

shiok shiok..
overslept due to SOMEBODY which caused me to be late to meet Ah neo...SORRRRRY Ah neo..
rushed down to orchard to meet Ah neo then both of us went to Cathay Ceinleisure to purchase our movie tickets for tonight event..
then asked Ah neo if he wanna tag along to the Cosfest Viii but he say wanna go back sleep somemore..
anyway long story cut short, went to Whitesands Mall the library to wait for weiting & initially she told me 1.30pm she coming so i took a few books to read just to kill time.. then 2pm came still no sign of her, ben called me then met him, clement & clement's friend at Mac before going to the cosfest..
as we are early, there wasn't a lot of cosplayer & due to the fact that i'll be leaving early i could not wait for weiting anymore..
as for what happened to her, i think i'll spare the details bah.. later she ma-lu ma-lu...
she say meet me 1.30pm but when she arrived there it was 3.30pm le.... WOW!!

trained back home then prepare while ooVoo-ing Ah neo..
advised him which spec to wear then i chiong out of house le...
met up with hweesiang at Somerset bcos he ta bao dinner for me...
after eating went to HMV to meet up with shawn, minghui, Ah neo, frankie, jeff, jie shun, daron, randy, songwei, weixiang, derry & lastly two birthday people, quan & yihui....
15 of us went to Sakura to have the eat-all-you-want buffet then as usual we played around ith food [although it isn't advised to do so, BUT BUT once in awhile okay lah]..
Ah neo & minghui played sissor-paper-stone & loser get to eat the 'food' prepared by others..
minghui lost the first round then he wanna take revenge so he went to take something plus lots of wasabi..
the next thing i saw was someone spreading wasabi into the food & 'WHOOOOOoooo' minghui lost again!!
ah-ha... suay ah minghui.....
proceeding next was Ice-Age 3(3D)..
ARGHHHHhhhh.. it had to rain on this very day, make yihui do that unglam action...
nvm nvm nvm~~~
sadly, jeff, weixiang & daron not joining us for movie..
movie wasn't that good, next movie will be Final Destination 4 (3D)...
waaaaaaaa.. this CONFIRM must watch!!!!!
after movie, went to find bryan as he came to meet us..
shawn, jie shun, hweesiang & frankie went home while, minghui, yihui, Ah neo, randy, bryan, quan, derry & i went to serangoon the Liquid Kitchen to have a drink...
the ambience wasn't that good as compared to the other ones i been to but it sure is a good place to hang out with brothers, sisters & friends...
told them i dunno how to play pool le still drag me into playing wih them......
chit-chat until the shop is closing then minghui, quan, songwei & i cab home while the rest took bus..
overall, really really really had a GREAT time..

~~Happy Be-lated B'dae to Quan~~
~~Happy Advanced B'dae to yihui~~
as for today.....
went to Cosfest Viii again & this time round weiting went earlier than me sia...
really had a hard time searching for her bcos she is soooo *****..
anyway, say ben & bryan mong there...
photos will be uploaded once i get them bah>.<

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