Wednesday, July 01, 2009

okay.... firstly, thanks lihua for the photos...
got these photo for her blog de..

if ya got a weak heart or cannot appreciate art, i think its BEST for u NOT to look at the photos below~~

yup, last sunday lihua, lingling, shawn, quan, Ah neo & zhengyee came over to my house for lunch..
mummy did not really cook much bcos she wasn't feeling well..
i say again huh...

if ya got a weak heart or cannot appreciate art, i think its BEST for u NOT to look at the photos below~~


quan jin, zhengyee & Ah neo..

zhengyee & ME...

lingling & lihua
lingling sureeeee look like a maid, maybe i should fire mine then hire her..


no fair!!! lingling got long hair........

lihua ahh, what is with that forced smile??

讨厌!! 投拍我!!

zhengyee: "How are u, my 'fair lady'?"

lihua playing the recorder which ONLY contribute noise & noise alone..
disturb the peace in my house...


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