Thursday, November 20, 2008

back frm de mock NPC camp... finally!!
freaking tired sia..
legs & arms all sore & aching..
a lot has happened during de camp but i dun wanna list everything out...

First Day: (17/11)
kana pumped by daron & shawn cos i did not treat de equipments with care..
played with justin & ray badminton & i got to admit, my joints are getting rustier by de second!!!!!!!
got a surprise frm my dear & i did not expect she would come find me...
chatted with her for a very very long time..
at night, watched some comedy movie, went patrolling & i slept around 4am...

Second Day: (18/11)
woke up around 9am with shawn & daron harassing me..
brush up & went to see my juniors..
dear came to my sch again..
went marketing & all of us are like zombies...
night time came Ah ming, jeff & frankie came to join us...
they stayed till very very late & u should have seen Ah ming's reaction when he played Hotel626... WAhaahaahaahaa..
after they left, i woke up & went patrolling to see if my juniors are up to any mischief..
they are all sleeping sOOO soundly lor maybe due to de activities during de day time tts why they all knocked out sOOO quickly..

Third Day: (19/11)
again shawn & daron harass me just to wake me up...
time really pass very very quickly..
very soon, dear came to sch to find me but we did not really chat due to some external factors..
then some prankster smsed dear.. FUCK whoever it is lah!!
after sending dear to bus-stop, we(Ah ming, daron, yi hui, daniel, yu kiat & i) went to hougang point to buy food for tmr night's BBQ..
then as this de last night we(shawn, daron, yu kiat & i) decided to watch horror movie..
so i screened de movie Mirrors, but as soon as it was being screen they all fell asleep..
in de end, i watch de entire movie & even watch some drama online...
hand de computer over to sanjay & i try to catch some sleep & when i woke up, everyone was sleeping..
went to patrol & got back to sleep..

Fourth Day: (20/11)
again, shawn & daron have to harass me when they woke up...
pack up & went over to primary sch to feed my ham ham & other animals..
went to see doctor as i wasn't feeling well..
i dun wanna be a spoiler when i go de BBQ & everyone noe tt i'm sick..

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